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Part of the reason to have an inspirational model is in pursuit of creating a consistent character image. the best thing about Artificial Intelligence being too dumb to reproduce the beauty of such public personalities as Marina Laswick is that the resulting rendering is sometimes quite pretty and allows one to pursue that consistent look for a self-published illustrated book.

But, remember that even with such a beautiful model, AI is reaching to reproduce just a human figure, let alone a celebrity, and it makes many, many, many more mistakes than usable images. My little toy dog listens better than AI, and that little Havanese dog is absolutely NOT obedient unless I am holding a treat in my hand.

I do throw-away more images than I keep, unless I am able to correct them, and almost all AI imagery needs to be retouched, all the time.


Symbiotic Design

2108 S Duluth Ave
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57105
United States
Phone Number 1-605-301-0001
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Submission Date Mar 10, 2023 (Edited Mar 11, 2023)

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